Unsound Passes and Sunn O))) Tickets Go on Sale 3rd June 2019. Introducing Forum Pass.

Passes to Unsound Krakow 2019 will go on sale 3rd June 2019, 4pm CEST - together with individual tickets to the Sunn O))) show on 11th October. (Note that the Sunn O))) show is also included in the Weekly and Long Weekend Passes.) Also, this year we’re introducing a new type of pass for Hotel Forum, giving you hassle-free access to all three nights in that venue.
Weekly Pass - 540 PLN (approx €125) / valid from 6 to 13 October 2019
Long Weekend Pass - 440 PLN (approx €100) / valid from 10 to 13 October 2019
Note: these passes do not guarantee entry to events free of charge, film screenings and selected special events lying outside the main festival program.
Forum Pass - 250 PLN (approx €60) / valid for the three Hotel Forum events on 10, 11 and 12 October 2019
Sunn O))) tickets - 110 PLN (approx €25)
Note: the show will take place on 11 October 2019 in Teatr Łaźnia Nowa and is included in the Weekly and Weekend Passes. The opening act will be announced soon.