The Unsound late night club programming begins in earnest on Thursday at Kamienna, with energetic British rapper-producer Rainy Miller inaugurating Room 1 with a premiere of his latest A/V performance, Joseph, What Have You Done. He's followed by another original from the north of England, aya, also debuting her new live show, before acclaimed Polish composer/producer Zamilska takes over to drive us towards noisy, bass-heavy ritualism. And after a condensed centre-of-the-room intervention from the ever defiant Chuquimamani-Condori, Hyperdub figurehead Kode9 presents a history of his beloved label for its 20th birthday. Then it's time to welcome back two Unsound regulars, Birmingham-born bass scientist Lee Gamble and Berlin-based club eccentric CCL, who are DJing back-to-back for the very first time. Closing the room is multi-genre DJ and producer Some Guest, from Warsaw.
Over in Room 2, Jacek Prościński, aka wh0wh0, tears apart his footwork-inspired groove 16 release with kinetic live drumming, and then we get to experience ZULI's time-dilating new live set, a re-imagining of his gritty Subtext-released Lambda. Icelandic trio sideproject, who earlier this year deployed their debut album sourcepond on SVBKVLT, perform live outside Iceland for the first time, and Petronn Sphene (aka Guttersnipe's Urocerus Gigas) presents a Noise Intervention with a blunt example of her "No Wave Rave" sound – a fusion of vocals and polyrhythmic drum violence. Chicago footwork hybridist Heavee, who's released acclaimed albums on Teklife and Hyperdub, then steps up to the decks, before Cairo-born, Berlin-based producer and DJ Assyouti shows off his furious syncopations and chest-rattling bass. Closing the room is Unsound Summer School alumna Leandra.