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Photo of Jana Shostak


Jana Shostak

Jana Shostak is a Belarusian/Polish multimedia artist, activist and PhD student at the University of Arts in Poznań. In her artistic practice, she focuses on activating/hacking the community within the non-artistic system. Winner of the Critics Award at the Best Diploma exhibition or the Grand Prix at the Young Wolves ‘16 festival. In 2015, she established one of the Polish Guinness Records. She holds the official volunteer certificate of World Youth Day 2016. She has participated in numerous exhibitions, among others, at the Goodbye Ai Weiwei (Ini Project, Prague, 2018), Attention! Border (the Labyrinth Gallery in Lublin and the Arsenal Gallery in Białystok; 2017) and Form resistance: Non-exhibition within the Forum for the Future of Culture (the Powszechny Theatre, Warsaw, 2017), and festivals, i.e. Manifesta 11 (Zurich, 2016) and WRO Biennale (Wrocław, 2017). She is currently taking part in the protests in Grodno, Belarus.