Karolina Sulej

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Photo of Karolina Sulej


Karolina Sulej

Karolina Sulej is a writer, reporter, anthropologist, and author of many publications and books, including Rzeczy Osobisteopowieść o ubraniach w obozach koncentracyjnych i zagłady on the role of clothes in concentration camps; Historie osobiste. O przetrwaniu w czasie wojny presenting interviews with Holocaust survivours; and Ciałaczki. Kobiety, które wcielają feminizm telling the story of the women who advocated a positive approach to women’s bodies in Poland after 1990. Sulej also works on game scripts, conducts workshops, and creates podcasts on the role of clothes in everyday life. In the past, she worked with Wysokie Obcasy, and together with Sylwia Chutnik she was the co-creator of Barłóg Literacki, a YouTube programme devoted to books and readership. Sulej also organises author meetings, literary panels, and cultural discussion forums, always striving to promote readership through her social media.

Photo by Mateusz Kubik