Milczarek / Sirko

Wiktor Milczarek:
"Ever since I was a child, I've had a fear of dogs. Living in the Warsaw's surburbs during my high school period, I was always facing a choice whenever I was coming back home. The first path was a street full of happy four-legged friends. The second led through the woods, which was really pleasant (nonetheless dark), full of surprising smells—always kind of eerie and tempting at the same time. Those journeys were one of the singular moments when I was actually fascinated by the ‘sounds of nature’. It was then, when I've learned how to listen to things that are more abstract than music or words. On the other hand, each sound in the forest signals something uncanny (boarsroeshares), so that my very process of listening was always marked by some anxiety or even fear."

Radek Sirko:
"I was born in Poland's youngest city, a funny and bizarre place referred to as the Bedroom of Silesia. Over the last 60 years, it was constructed by some undetermined sect. There, you can find the Gate of the Sun, Europe's tallest pyramid and plenty of socrealistic and postmodern architecture. Housing estates are named by letters of the alphabet—as teens H5 and H6 were the scene of our stone-throwing wars. Most common habits of its inhabitants are riding on a trolleybus and walking around. There are no ghosts in this town."

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