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Unsound 2020: Intermission Starts Tonight

Intermission day 1

Unsound 2020 will start tonight and last for 11 days. Created around the theme Intermission, the festival takes place entirely online, involving performances, A/V shows, workshops, webinars, collective listening experiences, virtual worlds and much more.

Streamed shows will be played on our website, as well as directly on our YouTube channel. When it comes to workshops, webinars, listening sessions and virtual worlds, please head to our online schedule for links.

We have also set up an Unsound Discord (register here), where we encourage our audience to chat about shows, discussions and just hang out. Discord makes a refreshing change from the standard social media platforms, creating more of a sense of community, for which the festival is known.

Tonight’s opening concert is Weavings, a durational performance conceived and curated by Nicolás Jaar, in which musicians from around the world perform together. This show is an experiment both in musical terms, as well as in the use of the technology involved. Artists include Aho Ssan, Ka Baird, Angel Bat Dawid, Dirar Kalash, Ellen Fullman, Księżyc, Laraaji, Juliana Huxtable, Jaar himself, Paweł Szamburski, Resina, Rolando Hernández Guzmán and Wukir Suryadi and Rully Shabara of Senyawa.

Co-presenters of Weavings are Other People label and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, with Resident Advisor as a media partner.

The show starts at 7pm CEST, goes for roughly two hours, and can be watched here.

Read this news each morning on our website for the latest daily info and online links in regard to Unsound 2020.