Discussion: Building Bridges Between Bubbles – Infrastructures, Immersion and Imagination

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Discussion: Building Bridges Between Bubbles – Infrastructures, Immersion and Imagination


A discussion on the utopian possibilities and uncomfortable realities found at the junction between Web3 and the arts. Blockchain technology has been heralded as the next phase of the Internet, with a decentralised architecture offering revolutionary potential for cultural change. It marks a radical break from today’s technofeudalism, with blockchains, NFTs and DAOs creating a new bubble within which to germinate econo-techno-socio-political ideologies. Yet questions around influence, agency and control still linger. What is the price of the dream of decentralised empowerment? Participants include researcher and writer Laura Lotti, and artist and interaction designer Paul Seidler. Moderated by Wassim Z. Alsindi.