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Photo of Olga Drenda


Olga Drenda

Olga Drenda is a writer, translator and anthropologist, interested in the aesthetic of the transformation era in Poland and Central-Eastern Europe, vernacular design and engineering, local hauntologies and the anthropology of everyday life. She is the author of Duchologia polska. Rzeczy i ludzie w latach transformacji (Polish Ghostology. Things and People in the Years of Transformation), Czyje jest nasze życie (Whose Life is Ours, co-written with Bartłomiej Dobroczyński), Wyroby. Pomysłowość wokół nas (Products. Ingenuity around us), Książka o milosci (A Book About Love, co-written with Malgorzata Halber) as well as many essays and articles. Since 2013, she has run the Duchologia Facebook page, dedicated to the spectres of the late 1980s and early 1990s.